w ArtSEE 2021 - SEE International

ArtSEE 2021


The 7th annual ArtSEE event featuring artwork from the Abstract Art Collective

What is ArtSEE?

In partnership with the Abstract Art Collective (AAC) of Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Jewish Community Center (JCC), ArtSEE is an inspiring exhibition of abstract art in which 100% of proceeds are donated to SEE. Members of the Abstract Art Collective, as well as SEE Employees, create and donate original, 10×10 art pieces to be sold for $100 each. This year the panels will feature abstract interpretations of what it means to see Santa Barbara. Each panel sold covers the cost of up to four sight-restoring surgeries for individuals in need! 

SEE International will be displaying and selling the panels from a booth at the weekly Promenade Market on State Street in Santa Barbara. Sales will begin taking place on August 5th, then continue through every Thursday in August between 3:00pm and 7:30pm. Panels will also be available for purchase online beginning August 5th, at 3PM. There will be over 50 panels available, all of which are sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. 


Contact development@seeintl.org or at 805-963-3303.


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