William O'Connor, SEE International Board of DIrectors

William O’Connor


William E. O’Connor is a highly motivated self-starter who was the founder, owner, and C.E.O of Horizons Window Fashions, a wholesaler of unique and high-end custom window fashions. Horizons started from zero and built its way into a $30 mm company with over 300 employees. By any accounting ratio analysis, Horizons was the best performing company in its industry. For example, its growth was self-funded. Horizons never borrowed. Moreover, it was commonly regarded amongst its 3,000+ retail customers as being the most innovative, reliable, and best supplier in the industry. It was purchased by Springs Industry with an appraised value of a $1 billion entity.

Mr. O’Connor continues to live by his guiding principles as a consultant & advisor to clients such as AIM Communications, Greater Source Innovations, Window-ology, SecurShade, Select Blinds. In addition to being a consultant, Mr. O’Connor actively supports and provides helpful guidance to local nonprofits and organizations in his community to share his time and knowledge. SEE appreciates Mr. O’Connors generosity as displayed by not only his significant contributions to our sight-restoring efforts over many years, but by volunteering his time to help develop necessary and strategic reviews on development and marketing outreach. The following are his core beliefs and responsibilities he bestows in his daily practice:

  • It is my primary responsibility to ensure that all employees are as psychologically and physically healthy leaving work at the end of the day as they are arriving at the beginning of the day.
  • It is my responsibility to protect product profit margins at all times regardless of the economic environment.
  • It is my responsibility to provide not just great service to our customers, but impossible service to our customers; impossible being that which the competition either thinks is impossible or is too scared to try.
  • It is my responsibility to lead our organization into developing great new products, fashions, and options.
  • It is my responsibility to provide a working environment that encourages all employees to believe that Horizons is the greatest company in the history of planet earth.