w Bringing Our Communities Together - SEE International

Bringing Our Communities Together


SEE remains committed to our mission of providing accessible eye care to underserved individuals worldwide. Now more than ever, our help is needed right here at home. We would like to invite individuals and organizations committed to providing humanitarian eye care to join us in our efforts to expand our domestic programs.

In light of the pandemic, families across the nation, especially in our most vulnerable populations, are experiencing economic hardship after losing their jobs and health insurance. Without a stable income, the stress of financial burdens outweighs the luxury of seeking vision care services. With your help, SEE International aims to increase our domestic efforts to meet the higher demand for humanitarian eye care in our own communities across the US.

SEE is unique because of our network of like-minded humanitarian doctors and organizations that share our passion for serving those in need. We want to utilize our valued partnerships by unifying our efforts to become a part of the nation’s healing process. You can offer support by seeing an occasional uninsured individual in your office, partnering with us for a surgical day, or other options you can explore below, or on our website here. Your participation would only occur once your region of the country has been deemed safe and ready to reopen in compliance with local health and civic authorities.

If you are already serving the underprivileged of your local community, SEE would like to help with those efforts in any way possible, if and when it’s needed. Together, we will establish a centralized advocacy effort where we can request equipment and supplies, raise funding, and spread awareness to facilitate the extension of our national programs for our fellow neighbors.

Because the demand for a safety net of vision care services in the US is continuously increasing, SEE is committed to empowering humanitarians in the eye care field to give back by meeting the needs of their communities and program partners. You can join us in our efforts or learn more about how to get involved by taking this two-minute survey.

The lasting impact we have achieved has been made possible through our collaboration with our volunteers, partners, and supporters. Above all else, SEE would like to extend our warmest thanks for all the humanitarian work that they do. Together, we can offer support to our most under-resourced communities across the nation.


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