w Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving! - SEE International

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving to all of SEE’s wonderful volunteers, donors, and supporters! Together, we’ve accomplished so much this year. As of now, our volunteer doctors are on track to perform 25,000 critical eye surgeries, and 100,000 vision screenings, by the end of 2017. Your generous support has helped us provide 222 programs in 46 different countries! We could not do this without you.

This year, we are also continuing our now-four-year-old tradition of participating in #GivingTuesday. I hope you are able to participate. Giving Tuesday is an international fundraising campaign that takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, that encourages everyone to give back after enjoying Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. In previous years, we utilized Giving Tuesday to raise money for our all of our eye care programs around the world. Your support during these special campaigns, as well as throughout the year, have led to countless lives being transformed for the better.

This year, we want to try something a little different. We are raising funds to support one of our most effective programs: our clinics in Namibia. Led by Dr. Helena Ndume, winner of the 2015 U.N. Nelson Mandela Prize, SEE’s Namibia program has restored sight to tens of thousands of men, women, and children over the past twenty years. Some of you may have seen her speak at the Lobero Theatre, when she came to visit Santa Barbara in April. If not, you can watch a video of her speech here. Our goal is to raise $5,000 for the Namibia program this #GivingTuesday. Each cataract removal surgery costs as little as $50, so if we raise $5,000, we will be able to give 100 people a brighter future. We hope you’ll join us in bringing the gift of sight this year. Join us on Facebook or Twitter!

Please be sure to read our first-ever, 100% digital Impact Report! Take a detailed look at the impact that your donations and support is having in the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world.

On behalf of everyone at SEE, thank you again for your support, and Happy Thanksgiving!


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