w Training the Next Generation of Humanitarian Doctors - SEE International

Training the Next Generation of Humanitarian Doctors


In December, volunteer SEE Ophthalmologist Dr. Thomas Baah hosted a two-week long Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery (MSICS)  training course at his clinic in Accra, Ghana, where he trained Dr. David Green in the technique.

Nine years before this training course took place, Dr. Green volunteered to work with Dr. Baah during his time as a medical student. The fulfilling experience ultimately led Dr. Green to return to Accra in December of 2021, where he would serve the people of Ghana once again.

“It has been incredibly rewarding and an honor to return to Accra, this time as an ophthalmic surgeon working side-by-side Dr. Baah in the operating room to restore vision to Ghanaian people,” said Dr. Green.

Dr. Green was extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn the MSICS technique as part of SEE’s Level 2 Fieldwork program. Over the duration of the clinic, he and Dr. Baah performed over 70 sight-restoring surgeries. Afterward, Dr. Green expressed his gratitude and passion for being a part of this kind of life-transforming work.

“I am so happy that SEE International allowed me to come full circle, to reconnect with Dr. Baah after all these years to work towards my goal of becoming an international volunteer ophthalmic surgeon,” he said.

Through training courses like these, SEE is not only making a difference by restoring sight to those in need, but by educating ophthalmologists like Dr. Green who can utilize these skills for humanitarian work in the future.


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